Kerala: Bird flu breakout in Kottayam, virus has killed about 7,000 animals.

In Kerala Over the past few days, a breakout of bird flu has had a significant impact on the city of Kottayam.
Farmers in the region who take up ducks are among those who have been impacted by the unbreakable because the virus has killed about 7,000 animals.

On December 12, the government declare the discovery of the first human virus case, and on December 13, they start the process of destroying birds.

Bird flu was ascertained in parts of Kottayam in Kerala. animal doctor Head Dr. Shaji Panikar said that We’ve taken measures and destroyed birds, the farms are disinfected and bleaching powder is a shower. Kottayam Veterinary Head said, “There’re two H5N1 virus outbursts at 2 places. We’ve taken measures. Culled birds, disinfected farm area, and sprayed bleaching powder shower. The epicenter is safe now. Ban for poultry products can be grabbed by tomorrow.” (ANI)

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